Environmental Management

Environmental Management

Earthworks, urban development and agricultural activities increasingly affect the quality and quantity of our fresh and marine waters, and related values and uses. Impacts on marine waters even far from land are intensifying, affecting their ecological balance and valuable fisheries,

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Strategy and evaluation

Strategy and evaluation

Strategic plans and programmes from the basis to meet environmental and sustainability-related goals and objectives. We test and evaluate these in terms of the effectiveness and efficiency, and recommend improvements. Businesses, non-for profit organisations and government agencies increasingly focus on a

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Responsible business

Responsible business

The adoption of sustainable business practices is incredibly seen as a significant factor in business success and competitiveness.  We help business build a strategic approach to becoming a responsible organisation. Sustainability is gaining momentum as we enter into a period

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Training | Capacity building

Training | Capacity building

Training and capacity-building is invaluable to managing business growth and risk.  We help you develop integrated environmental and sustainability training strategies to take your business to the next level. Capacity-building is an integral part of our approach to working with

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Communication and facilitation

Communication and facilitation

Effective communication and facilitation are a integral to our work.  They are key to building relationships with our clients and their stakeholders, enabling joint outcomes. We  have extensive experience with communication and facilitation in a wide range of cultural and

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Research and writing

Research and writing

Research is an essential part of our every day work and associated thinking, synthesising and innovating.  It is also about the creative application of research to solving practical issues, backed up with clear ecommendations for effective  action. All our work

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